October 12, 2018

I am still flying high from our 75th Anniversary Fall Celebration.

Reflections on our 75th Anniversary Fall Celebration

From Pastor Chris

What a weekend!

I am still flying high from our 75th Anniversary Fall Celebration. From the hymn sing (which I sadly missed, due to a nasty but short-lived virus) to the time to connect to the elegant Saturday evening dinner to the rousing homecoming service on Sunday morning, I believe God was glorified at Groveton Baptist Church this weekend. Mission accomplished!

Let me share some of my points of greatest gratitude coming out of the weekend:

I am grateful to God for the 75th Anniversary Task Force.
Such a weekend does not happen without a tremendous amount of planning. Under the capable, gracious, and organized leadership of Donald Barnes, the task force met on Monday nights to address the hundreds of details required for the events and memories of the weekend. Everyone pitched in marvelously. Judi Morgan led the charge for the Saturday night banquet. Vic Marshall has been working on a history of Groveton Baptist Church that will serve us for decades to come. And so on. The Task Force also included Susan Canaday, April Crews, Larry Dickenson, Fred Farmer, Jan Jarrell, Neal Morgan, Brenda Richards, and Joan Roby. It was a pleasure to work with this excellent team.

I am grateful to God for Pastor Jerry’s leadership with the Capital Campaign.
Early into my time here at Groveton, Pastor Jerry had a vision to use the 75th Anniversary as an opportunity to raise funds for necessary improvements on the building and other non-budgeted needs. I am thankful for his foresight. Because of his diligence to keep this in front of us, we now have a new boiler in place for the winter, are working with a graphic designer to create a new logo and look, and will soon be updating the audio/visual equipment and paint in the sanctuary. Thank you to all who contributed financially toward these goals!

I am grateful to God for gospel partnerships with other churches.
One of the highlights of our Saturday night dinner was having representatives from Fullness in Christ Ethiopian Fellowship, Primera Iglesia Bautista de Groveton, Plymouth Haven Baptist Church, Belle View Baptist Church, and St. John Baptist Church, who brought 14 of their members to join our celebration. Each of these churches loves the gospel of Jesus Christ and shares our burden to see our lost neighbors come to faith in Christ. We will have differing levels of partnership with these congregations, but their representation at our celebration reminds us that Groveton Baptist Church is but one expression of Christ’s body in our community. I am eager to see how God calls us to support and be supported by the gospel work these fellow local churches are doing.

I am grateful to God for good relationships with past members.
One of the particular treats of the weekend was having former members join us, whether from down the street or a few states away. I heard nostalgic stories from adults who deeply enjoyed their years growing up at Groveton. Such accounts remind us that our church’s legacy is not bound to those who currently attend.

I am grateful to God for a church that is energized by a shared vision for the future.
After I shared my vision for our church’s future on Saturday night and Sunday morning, many expressed their excitement for what lies ahead at Groveton Baptist Church. This is grace from God. I did not come to Groveton two years ago with this vision fully formed. It has been a process of building relationships, waiting, meditating on God’s word, waiting, listening, more waiting, and putting the meat on the bones of what this vision, lived out, could look like.

What is the vision? It is captured in two statements—
Our identity: A House of Prayer for All Nations
Our calling: Magnify God’s Reputation

On Sunday we will launch an emphasis on spiritual growth that is a vital part of how we magnify God’s reputation—through reflecting his character in our church and community. Embracing a big vision is fantastic. And it also requires us to roll up our sleeves and work on our own lives to see that vision realized. This will get personal. I can’t promise it will always be comfortable or easy. But a lifetime of magnifying God’s reputation in our church, community, and world will yield eternal, glorious joy.

I am deeply grateful to be your pastor and look forward to what God has in store for us. To God be all the glory!


Groveton Baptist Church
6511 Richmond Highway
Alexandria, Virginia 22306
Phone - 703.768.9084


8:30 AM - First Praise Worship
10:00 AM - Worship in Amharic
10:45 AM - Adult Bible Fellowship
11:00 AM - Traditional Service
11:45 AM - Escuela Biblica
1:15 PM - Servico de Adoracion


During Worship Service
Up to age 4